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CLO Ratings

The ratings displayed on this tab are not issued or maintained by EJR in its capacity as an NRSRO.

OC Overcollateralization | IC Interest Coverage | IG Investment Grade | HY High Yield
SECURITYREPORTEJR RatingOther NRSRODiffCurr Par SubordOC TriggerOC CurrentOC Curr/ TriggerIC TriggerIC CurrentIC Curr/ TriggerDate
Steele Creek CLO 2015-1 DR NRN/A       10/05/22
Steele Creek CLO 2015-1 E1R NRN/A       10/05/22
Steele Creek CLO 2015-1 E2R NRN/A       10/05/22
Steele Creek CLO 2015-1 FR NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO A1R NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO A2R NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO B1R NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO B2R NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO CR NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO D NRN/A       10/05/22
Sudbury Mill CLO E NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2016-18A CLO AR NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2016-18A CLO B NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2016-18A CLO C NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2016-18A CLO D NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2016-18A CLO E NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO A NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO B NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO C NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO D NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO E NRN/A       10/05/22
SYMP 2019-21A CLO X NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV AR2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV B1R2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV B2R2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV CR2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV DR2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV ER2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV FR2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XV XR2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XX A2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XX B1 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XX B2 NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XX C NRN/A       10/05/22
Symphony CLO XX D NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2016-1 AR NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2016-1 BR NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2016-1 CR NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2016-1 DR NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2016-1 ER NRN/A       10/05/22
TCI-Flatiron CLO 2017-1 A NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR A NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR AJ NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR B NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR C NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR D NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR E NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR F NRN/A       10/05/22
TCW CLO 2019-1 AMR X NRN/A       10/05/22
Telos CLO 2014-6 A1R NRN/A       10/05/22